Pemenuhan Hak atas Air Bersih dan Sehat, Serta Hak Menggugat Masyarakat

Josina Augusthina Yvonne Wattimena(1email)

(1) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
email Corresponding Author


Introduction: Clean and healthy water is the right of everyone to get and enjoy it. The fact is that not everyone can enjoy this right, and this is closely related to the obligations of the State. This State obligation should be implemented in various actions as a form of fulfillment of human rights.

Purposes of the Research: Analyze and study the fulfillment of the right to clean and healthy water and the right to sue the community.

Methods of the Research: This research is an empirical research with interview and questionnaire data which are then processed qualitatively.

Results / Findings of the Research: The results showed that the right to clean and healthy water has very broad dimensions, two of which contain a health dimension but also an environmental dimension, which is essentially a human right. Therefore, regulations on the fulfillment of the right to clean and healthy water have been formulated in various legal provisions, both law making treaties and soft law. National law such as the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has formulated and implemented it has been followed by various implementing regulations. The full exercise of the right to clean and healthy water which is demanded by the ICESCR depends entirely on appropriate legal provisions and legal remedies at the national level.


Fulfillment of Rights; Right To Sue





How To Cite

APA: Wattimena, J.A. (2021). Pemenuhan Hak atas Air Bersih dan Sehat, Serta Hak Menggugat Masyarakat. Balobe Law Journal, 1(1), 1-16. DOI:
IEEE: J.A. Wattimena, "Pemenuhan Hak atas Air Bersih dan Sehat, Serta Hak Menggugat Masyarakat", Balobe Law J., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-16, Mar. 2021. Accessed on: Mar. 29, 2025. [Online]. Available DOI:
Harvard: Wattimena, J.A., (2021). "Pemenuhan Hak atas Air Bersih dan Sehat, Serta Hak Menggugat Masyarakat". Balobe Law Journal, Volume 1(1), pp. 1-16. [Online]. Available DOI: (Accessed on: 29 March 2025)
Chicago: Wattimena, Josina Augusthina Yvonne. "Pemenuhan Hak atas Air Bersih dan Sehat, Serta Hak Menggugat Masyarakat." Balobe Law Journal 1, no. 1 (March 1, 2021): 1-16. Accessed March 29, 2025. doi:10.47268/balobe.v1i1.497
Vancouver: Wattimena JA. Pemenuhan Hak atas Air Bersih dan Sehat, Serta Hak Menggugat Masyarakat. Balobe Law J. [Internet]. 2021 Mar 1 [cited 2025 Mar 29];1(1):1-16. Available from:
MLA 8th: Wattimena, Josina Augusthina Yvonne. "Pemenuhan Hak atas Air Bersih dan Sehat, Serta Hak Menggugat Masyarakat." Balobe Law Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, 1 Mar. 2021, pp. 1-16, doi:10.47268/balobe.v1i1.497. Accessed 29 Mar. 2025.
		author = {Josina Wattimena},
		title = {Pemenuhan Hak atas Air Bersih dan Sehat, Serta Hak Menggugat Masyarakat},
		journal = {Balobe Law Journal},
		volume = {1},
		number = {1},
		year = {2021},
		keywords = {Fulfillment of Rights; Right To Sue},
		abstract = {Introduction: Clean and healthy water is the right of everyone to get and enjoy it. The fact is that not everyone can enjoy this right, and this is closely related to the obligations of the State. This State obligation should be implemented in various actions as a form of fulfillment of human rights. Purposes of the Research: Analyze and study the fulfillment of the right to clean and healthy water and the right to sue the community.Methods of the Research: This research is an empirical research with interview and questionnaire data which are then processed qualitatively. Results / Findings of the Research: The results showed that the right to clean and healthy water has very broad dimensions, two of which contain a health dimension but also an environmental dimension, which is essentially a human right. Therefore, regulations on the fulfillment of the right to clean and healthy water have been formulated in various legal provisions, both law making treaties and soft law. National law such as the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia has formulated and implemented it has been followed by various implementing regulations. The full exercise of the right to clean and healthy water which is demanded by the ICESCR depends entirely on appropriate legal provisions and legal remedies at the national level.},
				issn = {2775-6149},		pages = {1--16}			doi = {10.47268/balobe.v1i1.497},
				url = {}


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2. Pengaturan Hak-hak Masyarakat Adat atas Sumber Daya Alam Berdasarkan Internasional Covenant On Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
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Copyright (c) 2021 Josina Augusthina Yvonne Wattimena

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Aditya Wirawan, Taufik Raharjo, Roby Syaiful Ubed, Ambang Aries Yudanto
PLANNING MALAYSIA  vol: 21  year: 2023  
Type: Journal [View Source]


2. Pengaturan Hak-hak Masyarakat Adat atas Sumber Daya Alam Berdasarkan Internasional Covenant On Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
Sahlan Sahlan, Arman Anwar, Josina Augustina Yvonne Wattimena
TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum  vol: 4  issue: 3  first page: 168  year: 2024  
Type: Journal [View Source]