The Principles Of Liability On Telemedicine Practices

Arman Anwar(1email)

(1) Faculty of Law, Pattimura University, Indonesia
email Corresponding Author


This research was aimed at analyzing and finding the principle of liability in telemedicine medical practice proportionally.This research is a legal research with the approach of statute approach, conceptual approach and comparative approach, as well as the approach to the case approach. According to Article 24 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution and Article 5 (1) of Act No. 48 of 2009 on Judicial Authority, determine that the judge shall explore, and understand the legal values and sense of justice in society. Thus Article 1367 paragraph (3) BW and Article 46 of Act No. 44 of 2009 on Hospitals in the application must be in the context of the intended. The principle of liability risk in medical practice telemedicine in proportion refers to professional liability among medical practitioners telemedicine. The theoretical legitimacy is based on professional relationships in the delegation of medical action based on the code of ethics, professional standards, and service standards, and standard operating procedures. Consequences on liability does not necessarily have to be based on errors primary physician (primary care physician / PCP) or primary nurse as subordinate as mean vicarious liability doctrine. Nomenclature "proportional" in a significant liability risk as the distribution of rights and obligations of professionals in proportion to each party's fault based on the values of equality (equitability), feasibility and appropriateness (fair and reasionableness). Accountability based on the viewpoint of interactive justice according to the values of professional skill, prudence or accuracy, responsibility, and colleague and the desire to do good for the sake of healing patients (doing good).


Liability; Medical Practice; Telemedicine





How To Cite

APA: Anwar, A. (2016). The Principles Of Liability On Telemedicine Practices. Pattimura Law Journal, 1(1), 13 - 37. DOI:
IEEE: A. Anwar, "The Principles Of Liability On Telemedicine Practices", Pattimura Law J., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 13 - 37, Sep. 2016. Accessed on: Mar. 29, 2025. [Online]. Available DOI:
Harvard: Anwar, A., (2016). "The Principles Of Liability On Telemedicine Practices". Pattimura Law Journal, Volume 1(1), pp. 13 - 37. [Online]. Available DOI: (Accessed on: 29 March 2025)
Chicago: Anwar, Arman. "The Principles Of Liability On Telemedicine Practices." Pattimura Law Journal 1, no. 1 (November 11, 2016): 13 - 37. Accessed March 29, 2025. doi:10.47268/palau.v1i1.6
Vancouver: Anwar A. The Principles Of Liability On Telemedicine Practices. Pattimura Law J. [Internet]. 2016 Sep 1 [cited 2025 Mar 29];1(1):13 - 37. Available from:
MLA 8th: Anwar, Arman. "The Principles Of Liability On Telemedicine Practices." Pattimura Law Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, 11 Nov. 2016, pp. 13 - 37, doi:10.47268/palau.v1i1.6. Accessed 29 Mar. 2025.
		author = {Arman Anwar},
		title = {The Principles Of Liability On Telemedicine Practices},
		journal = {Pattimura Law Journal},
		volume = {1},
		number = {1},
		year = {2016},
		keywords = {Liability; Medical Practice; Telemedicine},
		abstract = {This research was aimed at analyzing and finding the principle of liability in telemedicine medical practice proportionally.This research is a legal research with the approach of statute approach, conceptual approach and comparative approach, as well as the approach to the case approach. According to Article 24 paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution and Article 5 (1) of Act No. 48 of 2009 on Judicial Authority, determine that the judge shall explore, and understand the legal values and sense of justice in society. Thus Article 1367 paragraph (3) BW and Article 46 of Act No. 44 of 2009 on Hospitals in the application must be in the context of the intended. The principle of liability risk in medical practice telemedicine in proportion refers to professional liability among medical practitioners telemedicine. The theoretical legitimacy is based on professional relationships in the delegation of medical action based on the code of ethics, professional standards, and service standards, and standard operating procedures. Consequences on liability does not necessarily have to be based on errors primary physician (primary care physician / PCP) or primary nurse as subordinate as mean vicarious liability doctrine. Nomenclature "proportional" in a significant liability risk as the distribution of rights and obligations of professionals in proportion to each party's fault based on the values of equality (equitability), feasibility and appropriateness (fair and reasionableness). Accountability based on the viewpoint of interactive justice according to the values of professional skill, prudence or accuracy, responsibility, and colleague and the desire to do good for the sake of healing patients (doing good).},
				issn = {2527-7316},		pages = {13--37}			doi = {10.47268/palau.v1i1.6},
				url = {}


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Copyright (c) 2016 Arman Anwar

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