Hukum Berparadigma Cita Hukum Indonesia Demi Tercapainya Keadilan

(1) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
(2) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia

Introduction: The State of Indonesia is a legal state, and as a legal state, Indonesia operates in accordance with the law, both written and unwritten. But all of them are based on the ideals of Indonesian law. The purpose of the Indonesian state will reflect the ideals of law, the ideals of law that the Indonesian people want are the legal ideals of Pancasila. Pancasila is placed as the source of all sources of law in the development of national law. The Indonesian nation itself is still in the process of building its own legal system to replace the legal system left by the Dutch colonialists.
Purposes of the Research: To carry out a law reform to become a better Indonesia
Methods of the Research: This type of research is normative, namely doctrinal legal research or theoretical legal research. It is called normative legal research because what is studied is law from a theoretical or normative aspect, not to examine the applied or implementation aspects. The approach used is philosophical.
Results of the Research: The national legal system that is expected in the future is a legal system that is explored from the view of life of the Indonesian people contained in Pancasila. The ideal of Indonesian law is justice, which is stated in Pancasila, which is the original law of Indonesia. The position of society in the Indonesian legal system is diverse in culture, therefore the love of Indonesian law is expected to be able to fulfill the sense of justice to be achieved, based on Pancasila justice which is the basis of the Indonesian State. The Indonesian nation is rich in culture, rich in diversity, and in the application of law in Indonesia there have been violations of human rights.
How To Cite
@article{sanisa1207, author = {Ekberth Noya and Ade Walakutty}, title = {Hukum Berparadigma Cita Hukum Indonesia Demi Tercapainya Keadilan}, journal = {SANISA: Jurnal Kreativitas Mahasiswa Hukum}, volume = {2}, number = {2}, year = {2022}, keywords = {Law; Law Ideals}, abstract = {Introduction: The State of Indonesia is a legal state, and as a legal state, Indonesia operates in accordance with the law, both written and unwritten. But all of them are based on the ideals of Indonesian law. The purpose of the Indonesian state will reflect the ideals of law, the ideals of law that the Indonesian people want are the legal ideals of Pancasila. Pancasila is placed as the source of all sources of law in the development of national law. The Indonesian nation itself is still in the process of building its own legal system to replace the legal system left by the Dutch colonialists.Purposes of the Research: To carry out a law reform to become a better Indonesia Methods of the Research: This type of research is normative, namely doctrinal legal research or theoretical legal research. It is called normative legal research because what is studied is law from a theoretical or normative aspect, not to examine the applied or implementation aspects. The approach used is philosophical.Results of the Research: The national legal system that is expected in the future is a legal system that is explored from the view of life of the Indonesian people contained in Pancasila. The ideal of Indonesian law is justice, which is stated in Pancasila, which is the original law of Indonesia. The position of society in the Indonesian legal system is diverse in culture, therefore the love of Indonesian law is expected to be able to fulfill the sense of justice to be achieved, based on Pancasila justice which is the basis of the Indonesian State. The Indonesian nation is rich in culture, rich in diversity, and in the application of law in Indonesia there have been violations of human rights.}, issn = {2776-2289}, pages = {69--80} url = {} }
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