Muchtar Anshary Hamid Labetubun(1email), Sabri Fataruba(2)

(1) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Indonesia
(2) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Indonesia
email Corresponding Author


Copyright is a proprietary right therefore is of a special nature because the right is only
granted to the creator or owner / holder of the rights concerned for within a certain period of
time obtaining legal protection to announce, reproduce, distribute, and other works of his
work, or grant permission to Other people to do these things. Copyright is classified as the
right to movable objects, so that copyright may be transferred either wholly or partially due
to inheritance, grant, endowment, testament, written agreement, or any other cause levied in
accordance with the provisions of the law. The arrangement of the inheritance of copyright
shall be regulated in accordance with the inheritance law based on the Civil Code which
regulates the status of a person's property after passing away by means of transfer of such
property to another person and Law Number 28 Year 2014 concerning the Copyright that
regulates the inheritance of copyright. Copyright as an inherited property may transfer or
transfer ownership in whole or in part which takes place automatically since the death of the
copyright owner (heir) and the status of copyright after being inherited is still recognized and
protected by Law Number 28 of 2014.


Transfer of Copyright; Private Law





How To Cite

IEEE: M.A. Labetubun, and S. Fataruba, "PERALIHAN HAK CIPTA KEPADA AHLI WARIS MENURUT HUKUM PERDATA", SASI, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 1-11, Dec. 2016. Accessed on: Jul. 3, 2024. [Online]. Available DOI:
Harvard: Labetubun, M.A., and Fataruba, S., (2016). "PERALIHAN HAK CIPTA KEPADA AHLI WARIS MENURUT HUKUM PERDATA". SASI, Volume 22(2), pp. 1-11. [Online]. Available DOI: (Accessed on: 3 July 2024)
Chicago: Labetubun, Muchtar Anshary Hamid, and Sabri Fataruba. "PERALIHAN HAK CIPTA KEPADA AHLI WARIS MENURUT HUKUM PERDATA." SASI 22, no. 2 (December 13, 2016): 1-11. Accessed July 3, 2024. doi:10.47268/sasi.v22i2.163
Vancouver: Labetubun MA, Fataruba S. PERALIHAN HAK CIPTA KEPADA AHLI WARIS MENURUT HUKUM PERDATA. SASI [Internet]. 2016 Dec 13 [cited 2024 Jul 3];22(2):1-11. Available from:
MLA 8th: Labetubun, Muchtar Anshary Hamid, and Sabri Fataruba. "PERALIHAN HAK CIPTA KEPADA AHLI WARIS MENURUT HUKUM PERDATA." SASI, vol. 22, no. 2, 13 Dec. 2016, pp. 1-11, doi:10.47268/sasi.v22i2.163. Accessed 3 Jul. 2024.
		author = {Muchtar Labetubun and Sabri Fataruba},
		journal = {SASI},
		volume = {22},
		number = {2},
		year = {2016},
		keywords = {Transfer of Copyright; Private Law},
		abstract = {Copyright is a proprietary right therefore is of a special nature because the right is onlygranted to the creator or owner / holder of the rights concerned for within a certain period oftime obtaining legal protection to announce, reproduce, distribute, and other works of hiswork, or grant permission to Other people to do these things. Copyright is classified as theright to movable objects, so that copyright may be transferred either wholly or partially dueto inheritance, grant, endowment, testament, written agreement, or any other cause levied inaccordance with the provisions of the law. The arrangement of the inheritance of copyrightshall be regulated in accordance with the inheritance law based on the Civil Code whichregulates the status of a person's property after passing away by means of transfer of suchproperty to another person and Law Number 28 Year 2014 concerning the Copyright thatregulates the inheritance of copyright. Copyright as an inherited property may transfer ortransfer ownership in whole or in part which takes place automatically since the death of thecopyright owner (heir) and the status of copyright after being inherited is still recognized andprotected by Law Number 28 of 2014.},
				issn = {2614-2961},		pages = {1--11}			doi = {10.47268/sasi.v22i2.163},
				url = {}


Abdulkadir Muhammad, Hukum Perdata Indonesia, Citra Aditya Bakti,Bandung, 2011.

Efendi Perangin, Hukum Waris. Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2007.

Gatot Supramono, Hak Cipta dan Aspek-Aspek Hukumnya, Rineka Cipta, 2010.

Hilman Hadikusuma, Hukum Waris Adat. Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung 2003.

O K. Saidin, Aspek Hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (Intellrctual Property Rights), Raja Grafindo Persada,

Jakarta, 2007.

Richard Burton Simatupang, Aspek Hukum dalam Bisnis, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta 1996.

Suparman, Ikhtisar Hukum Waris Menurut KUH Perdata (BW), Dar al-Ulum Press, Jakarta, 1993.

Sudikno Mertokusumo, Hukum Acara Perdata Indonesia, Liberty,

Yogyakarta, 2006.

Tim Lindsley,dkk, Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Suatu Pengantar, Alumni, Bandung, 2006.

Widyopramono, Tindak Pidana Hak Cipta: Analisis dan Penyelesaiannya, Sinar Grafika, Jakarta, 1992.

Zainuddin Ali, Pelaksanaan Hukum Waris di Indonesia, Sinar Grafika, Jakarta, 2008.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Muchtar Anshary Hamid Labetubun, Sabri Fataruba

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.




1. Peran Mediator Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Harta Warisan
Rani Ngadja, Barzah Latupono, La Ode Angga
TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum  vol: 3  issue: 1  first page: 57  year: 2023  
Type: Journal [View Source]


2. Sejarah Perbandingan Sistem Pendaftaran Paten Di Amerika Serikat Dengan Di Indonesia
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