Tindak Pidana Penggunaan Ganja Untuk Keperluan Pengobatan

Ronaldo Semmy Kaya(1email), Deassy Jacomina Anthoneta Hehanussa(2), Julianus Edwin Latupeirissa(3)

(1) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
(2) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
(3) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
email Corresponding Author


Introduction: This study discusses cannabis which is used as a medicinal ingredient.

Purposes of the Research:  analyze adn explain the qualificationof marijuana used as a crime and analyze and explain thr policy of cannabis formulation for medicinal puerpuse

Methods of the Research: This study uses a normative juridical method with the legal materials used in the study are primary, secondary and tertiary with the use of literature study techniques in the form of  legal regulations, scientific papers and literature

Results of the Research: The results of the study indicate that the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes can be subject to criminal penalties as it is known that marijuana is a class I narcotic besides Article 37 of Law Number 35 of 2009 stipulates that only Narcotics Groups II and III can be used as medicinal ingredients. Furthermore, Article 53 of Law Number 35 of 2009 regulates the use of Narcotics II and III in limited quantities to be used as treatment materials. However, class I narcotics are not allowed to be used as any medication. That means those who store, distribute and use marijuana can be punished.


Criminal Act; Marijuana Use; Treatment





How To Cite

APA: Kaya, R.S., Hehanussa, D.J., & Latupeirissa, J.E. (2023). Tindak Pidana Penggunaan Ganja Untuk Keperluan Pengobatan. TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 3(6), 597–602. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47268/tatohi.v3i6.1819.
IEEE: R.S. Kaya, D.J. Hehanussa, and J.E. Latupeirissa, "Tindak Pidana Penggunaan Ganja Untuk Keperluan Pengobatan", TATOHI J. Ilmu Huk., vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 597–602, Oct. 2023. Accessed on: Apr. 1, 2025. [Online]. Available DOI: https://doi.org/10.47268/tatohi.v3i6.1819
Harvard: Kaya, R.S., Hehanussa, D.J., and Latupeirissa, J.E., (2023). "Tindak Pidana Penggunaan Ganja Untuk Keperluan Pengobatan". TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Volume 3(6), pp. 597–602. [Online]. Available DOI: https://doi.org/10.47268/tatohi.v3i6.1819 (Accessed on: 1 April 2025)
Chicago: Kaya, Ronaldo Semmy, Deassy Jacomina Anthoneta Hehanussa, and Julianus Edwin Latupeirissa. "Tindak Pidana Penggunaan Ganja Untuk Keperluan Pengobatan." TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum 3, no. 6 (October 10, 2023): 597–602. Accessed April 1, 2025. doi:10.47268/tatohi.v3i6.1819
Vancouver: Kaya RS, Hehanussa DJ, Latupeirissa JE. Tindak Pidana Penggunaan Ganja Untuk Keperluan Pengobatan. TATOHI J. Ilmu Huk. [Internet]. 2023 Oct 10 [cited 2025 Apr 1];3(6):597–602. Available from: https://doi.org/10.47268/tatohi.v3i6.1819
MLA 8th: Kaya, Ronaldo Semmy, Deassy Jacomina Anthoneta Hehanussa, and Julianus Edwin Latupeirissa. "Tindak Pidana Penggunaan Ganja Untuk Keperluan Pengobatan." TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, vol. 3, no. 6, 10 Oct. 2023, pp. 597–602, doi:10.47268/tatohi.v3i6.1819. Accessed 1 Apr. 2025.
		author = {Ronaldo Kaya and Deassy Hehanussa and Julianus Latupeirissa},
		title = {Tindak Pidana Penggunaan Ganja Untuk Keperluan Pengobatan},
		journal = {TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum},
		volume = {3},
		number = {6},
		year = {2023},
		keywords = {Criminal Act; Marijuana Use; Treatment},
		abstract = {Introduction: This study discusses cannabis which is used as a medicinal ingredient.Purposes of the Research:  analyze adn explain the qualificationof marijuana used as a crime and analyze and explain thr policy of cannabis formulation for medicinal puerpuseMethods of the Research: This study uses a normative juridical method with the legal materials used in the study are primary, secondary and tertiary with the use of literature study techniques in the form of  legal regulations, scientific papers and literatureResults of the Research: The results of the study indicate that the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes can be subject to criminal penalties as it is known that marijuana is a class I narcotic besides Article 37 of Law Number 35 of 2009 stipulates that only Narcotics Groups II and III can be used as medicinal ingredients. Furthermore, Article 53 of Law Number 35 of 2009 regulates the use of Narcotics II and III in limited quantities to be used as treatment materials. However, class I narcotics are not allowed to be used as any medication. That means those who store, distribute and use marijuana can be punished.},
				issn = {2775-619X},		pages = {597--602}			doi = {10.47268/tatohi.v3i6.1819},
				url = {https://fhukum.unpatti.ac.id/jurnal/tatohi/article/view/1819}







http://www.jurnalptik.id/index.php/JIK/article/download/200/79 Diakses Pada Tanggal 19 Februari 2022


Leonie Lokollo,Yonna Beatrix Salamor, Erwin Ubwarin (2020) Kebijakan Formulasi Undang-undang Narkotika Dalam Legalisasi Penggunaan Ganja Sebagai Bahan Pengobatan di Indonesia, Jurnal Belo, Volume 5 No. 2.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Ronaldo Semmy Kaya, Deassy Jacomina Anthoneta Hehanussa, Julianus Edwin Latupeirissa

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