TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum


Journal TitleTATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Journal AbbreviationTATOHI J. Ilmu Huk.
DOI Journal10.47268/tatohi by Crossref
Editor-in-chiefLa Ode Angga
Managing Editor

Erwin Ubwarin

Heillen M. Y. Tita

Muchtar Anshary Hamid Labetubun

Welly Angela Riry

PublisherFaculty of Law Pattimura University
Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar 

TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Law, Pattimura University, with a duration of 12 (twelve) times a year, from January to December. This journal is a means of publishing research articles from undergraduate thesis (S1) students of the Faculty of Law, Pattimura University, which is the obligation of every student to upload scientific papers, as one of the requirements for graduation and undergraduate graduation. The article was written with the supervisor and published online. The language used by the journal is English or Indonesian. The scope of writing must be relevant to the disciplines of law which include civil law, criminal law, constitutional law/state administrative law, and international law.
This journal has been indexed in :

Vol 4, No 3 (2024): Volume 4 Nomor 3, Mei 2024

Hukum Internasional

Hukum Keperdataan

Hukum Pidana