Status Hukum Wilayah Palestina Dalam Peta Digital Internasional Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional

Kesya Meidy Lourens(1email), Arman Anwar(2), Richard Marsilio Waas(3)

(1) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon
(2) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
(3) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
email Corresponding Author


Introduction: This study discusses the issue of Palestine's non-participation in making international-based digital maps, Google in this case Google maps, as one of the Multinational or Transnational companies, which is part of the subject of International Law.

Purposes of the Research: Knowing and analyzing the legal status of the Palestinian territories on international digital maps in international law.


Methods of the Research: This study uses a normative juridical method with the legal materials used in the research are primary, secondary and tertiary with the use of literature study techniques in the form of international legal regulations, scientific works and literature.

Results of the Research: The results of the study show that in international law, digital-based maps have not been properly regulated, so that in the process of making digital maps by digital companies under the auspices of multinational companies, there are many problems because there are no written provisions. To overcome this, it is necessary to make arrangements internationally in order to create legal certainty and prevent the emergence of public opinion which interprets unilaterally so that it can threaten the existence of a country's sovereignty.


Legal Status; Palestine; Digital Map





How To Cite

APA: Lourens, K.M., Anwar, A., & Waas, R.M. (2022). Status Hukum Wilayah Palestina Dalam Peta Digital Internasional Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional. TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 2(3), 226–233. DOI:
IEEE: K.M. Lourens, A. Anwar, and R.M. Waas, "Status Hukum Wilayah Palestina Dalam Peta Digital Internasional Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional", TATOHI J. Ilmu Huk., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 226–233, Apr. 2022. Accessed on: Mar. 14, 2025. [Online]. Available DOI:
Harvard: Lourens, K.M., Anwar, A., and Waas, R.M., (2022). "Status Hukum Wilayah Palestina Dalam Peta Digital Internasional Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional". TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Volume 2(3), pp. 226–233. [Online]. Available DOI: (Accessed on: 14 March 2025)
Chicago: Lourens, Kesya Meidy, Arman Anwar, and Richard Marsilio Waas. "Status Hukum Wilayah Palestina Dalam Peta Digital Internasional Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional." TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum 2, no. 3 (April 28, 2022): 226–233. Accessed March 14, 2025. doi:10.47268/tatohi.v2i3.915
Vancouver: Lourens KM, Anwar A, Waas RM. Status Hukum Wilayah Palestina Dalam Peta Digital Internasional Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional. TATOHI J. Ilmu Huk. [Internet]. 2022 Apr 28 [cited 2025 Mar 14];2(3):226–233. Available from:
MLA 8th: Lourens, Kesya Meidy, Arman Anwar, and Richard Marsilio Waas. "Status Hukum Wilayah Palestina Dalam Peta Digital Internasional Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional." TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, vol. 2, no. 3, 28 Apr. 2022, pp. 226–233, doi:10.47268/tatohi.v2i3.915. Accessed 14 Mar. 2025.
		author = {Kesya Lourens and Arman Anwar and Richard Waas},
		title = {Status Hukum Wilayah Palestina Dalam Peta Digital Internasional Berdasarkan Hukum Internasional},
		journal = {TATOHI: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum},
		volume = {2},
		number = {3},
		year = {2022},
		keywords = {Legal Status; Palestine; Digital Map},
		abstract = {Introduction: This study discusses the issue of Palestine's non-participation in making international-based digital maps, Google in this case Google maps, as one of the Multinational or Transnational companies, which is part of the subject of International Law.Purposes of the Research: Knowing and analyzing the legal status of the Palestinian territories on international digital maps in international law. Methods of the Research: This study uses a normative juridical method with the legal materials used in the research are primary, secondary and tertiary with the use of literature study techniques in the form of international legal regulations, scientific works and literature.Results of the Research: The results of the study show that in international law, digital-based maps have not been properly regulated, so that in the process of making digital maps by digital companies under the auspices of multinational companies, there are many problems because there are no written provisions. To overcome this, it is necessary to make arrangements internationally in order to create legal certainty and prevent the emergence of public opinion which interprets unilaterally so that it can threaten the existence of a country's sovereignty.},
				issn = {2775-619X},		pages = {226--233}			doi = {10.47268/tatohi.v2i3.915},
				url = {}

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Copyright (c) 2022 Kesya Meidy Lourens, Arman Anwar, Richard Marsilio Waas

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