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Author Guidelines

Please prepare your manuscript before sending it, using the writing instructions below. Please download the Template (.DOCX) file.
  • TITLE 
Article Title Relevant to Substance, Maximum of 16 Words, Written in Book Antique Bold (14 pt), bold, left alignment.  
The title should be straightforward and informative.
Avoid using subtitles.
Avoid the title which includes the location of the research.
Written full name and without using a title.
Affiliation example : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia. (see Template)
Only the email of the correspondence author
Abstract written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Writing abstracts using Times New Roman writing, size 11 pt, italics, 1 space, maximum 250 words, and may not exceed 1 paragraph.
Abstract contains at least: the purpose of writing / research, writing / research methods, and the results of writing / research. 
Keywords written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Key writing uses Times New Roman writing, 12 pt in size, italics. Keywords are written in words or phrases, preferably in phrases. Keywords consist of 3-5 words or 3-5 phrases, and must be separated by (;) semicolons, not commas (,).  

Introductory section is written clearly that contains an adequate background of the problem, the problem under study, the purpose of the writing, as well as the state of the art of previous research and publications, as proof that the article submitted has originality and has a new contribution to scientific contributions that are important for publication in the public In the Introduction also includes an explanation of the gap analysis and / or urgency of the study compared to previous studies. For this reason, there needs to be a statement of newness from the scientific studies conducted. The statement of novelty is reinforced by the literature review from previous studies. Sources of state of art are recommended from primary sources, namely the reference sources of relevant journals and the latest publications both international journals and national journals, and include issues to be studied or analyzed.


Articles sourced from research results, the research method is written as a separate chapter after the Introduction chapter. The research method includes the type of research, approach methods, sources of legal materials and data sources, techniques of collecting legal materials, data collection techniques, and methods of analysis of legal materials and data analysis. For articles on conceptual ideas, it is sufficient to only discuss the method of study approach that is placed at the end of the Abstract chapter.


Writing the Results and Discussion section contains the results or research findings (scientific finding), followed by a scientific discussion. The description of the discussion in the Results and Discussion chapter is descriptive, analytical and critical. The description of the discussion must be adjusted to the order of legal issues which are the main elements in the study. The theories included in the theoretical framework must be cited in this chapter. The state of art included in the Introduction Section is also reviewed and elaborated in the Results and Discussion Section. Analysis in the Results and Discussion section can be supported by a Table that is presented horizontally. Presentation Tables are equipped with Title Tables and Source Tables. Each table is followed by a review and author's comments as part of the analysis of the table presented. In addition to the table, the provisions of the Law or other regulations that are presented are complemented by studies and opinions of the author in strengthening and sharpening the analysis of articles submitted for publication.


In the concluding section is a conclusion that in essence contains the essence of the study and at the same time also is the answer to the problems examined in the article. In this regard, the writing of conclusions must be adjusted to the order of the problems being studied and relevant to the research objectives. In the Conclusion section no new discussions or comments from the author can be made. In the conclusion the author's recommendations can be included if any.


Bibliography in the research article as well as conceptual ideas contains all references used in the study. References used in writing come from publications and publications in the last 10 (ten) years. The composition of the reference list / bibliography is highly recommended to maximize the use of primary sources (60%) in the form of national journals, international journals, theses, dissertations, proceedings conferences both national and international. Other sources (40%) can be in the form of books or other reference sources. Each article submitted uses at least 16 (sixteen) references by maximizing the primary source, and only references used as citations are written in the Bibliography, and are written in alphabetical order (arranged alphabetically) by the author.

This Journal uses the writing of the CHICAGO Citation Style model. It is recommended for writers to use Mendeley's standard quoting application, EndNote.


Journal Article

Angga, La Ode, Barzah Latupono, Muchtar Anshary Hamid Labetubun, and Sabri Fataruba. “Effectiveness of Law Number 41 the Year 1999 in the Case of Illegal Logging in Maluku Province.” Cepalo 3, no. 2 (2019): 141–52.



Berlianty, Teng. Hukum Organisasi Perusahaan. Sidoarjo: Zifatama Jawara, 2019.

Latupono, Barzah, La Ode Angga, Muchtar Anshary Hamid Labetubun, and Sabri Fataruba. Buku Ajar Hukum Islam. Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2019.

Marzuki, Peter Mahmud. Penelitian Hukum,. Jakarta: Kencana, 2007.


World Wide Web “Pabrik Teh Pekerjakan Lebih Dari 50 Anak Di Bawah Umur.”, 2010.

  • Footnotes

This journal uses the writing of the CHICAGO Citation Style model. Written in Book Antiqua size 9.


1 Teng Berlianty, Hukum Organisasi Perusahaan (Sidoarjo: Zifatama Jawara, 2019), h. 1.
2 La Ode Angga et al., “Effectiveness of Law Number 41 the Year 1999 in the Case of Illegal Logging in Maluku Province,” Cepalo 3, no. 2 (2019): 141–52,, h. 2..
3 Peter Mahmud Marzuki, Penelitian Hukum, (Jakarta: Kencana, 2007),, h. 56.
4 Barzah Latupono et al., Buku Ajar Hukum Islam (Yogyakarta: Deepublish, 2019), h. 2.
5, “Pabrik Teh Pekerjakan Lebih Dari 50 Anak Di Bawah Umur,”, 2010,


  • Figures/Graphics

The figures should be clearly readable and at least have a resolution of 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch) for good printing quality.


  • Table

Table made with the open model (without the vertical lines).


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The manuscripts submitted by the authors are original, have never been written by other authors, and have never been published elsewhere, unless the manuscript is preprinted (see Author Self-Archiving Policy)
  2. This paper is not being considered for publication by other journals and will not be submitted for review while being reviewed by the PAMALI: Pattimura Magister Law Review.
  3. This text does not contain unlawful, defamatory or other statements and does not contain material that violates the personal or property rights of another person or entity.
  4. The text of this text complies with the style and bibliographic requirements described in the Author's Guidelines, which are found on the About Us page.
  5. Any manuscript containing material that is subject to copyright restrictions other than those owned or controlled by the author must be accompanied by appropriate permission from the relevant copyright holder.
  6. Manuscript file extension .doc or .docx

Copyright Notice


Authors who publish their manuscripts in this Journal agree to the following conditions:

1. The copyright in each article belongs to the author, as well as the right to patent.

2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.

3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.

4. Authors have the right to self-archiving of the article (Author Self-Archiving Policy)


Licence : PAMALI: Pattimura Magister Law Review is disseminated based on the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license terms. This license allows anyone to copy and redistribute this material in any form or format, compose, modify, and make derivatives of this material for any purpose. You cannot use this material for commercial purposes. You must specify an appropriate name, include a link to the license, and certify that any changes have been made. You can do this in a way that is appropriate, but does not imply that the licensor supports you or your use.


Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License..

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Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

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