Copyright (c) 2023 I Nyoman Prabu Buana Rumiartha, Anak Agung Sagung Ngurah Indradewi, Alarico Gomes

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1. Customary Law as Part of the Reform Legal System in Indonesia
Kiki Kristanto, Christio Drakhma Dekapolis, Isno Pandowo
Focus Journal Law Review  vol: 3  issue: 2  year: 2023  
Type: Journal [View Source]


2. Constitution & Decentralized Government System in France
Michele, Yohanes Balthasar Reny Wittermans Un
Focus Journal Law Review  vol: 3  issue: 2  year: 2023  
Type: Journal [View Source]


3. Effective and Efficient Cabinet as One of the Efforts to Prevent Corruption
Rico Septian Noor, Sri Endah Wahyuningsih, Nelson G Cainghog
Focus Journal Law Review  vol: 3  issue: 2  year: 2023  
Type: Journal [View Source]


4. The Relationship between Legal Effectiveness Theory and Coaching Effectiveness Prisoners in Correctional Institutions
Focus Journal Law Review  vol: 4  issue: 1  year: 2024  
Type: Journal [View Source]


5. Vicarious Liability Theory on Vicarious Liability on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of Cryptocurrency
Ayu Pramachanti Rumiartha, Timotius Nico Yogatama
Focus Journal Law Review  vol: 4  issue: 1  year: 2024  
Type: Journal [View Source]


6. Analysis of Recognition from the Perspective of International Law and Implementation of Public Policies in Indonesia and Myanmar
Ni Made Diana Kencana Putri
Focus Journal Law Review  vol: 3  issue: 2  year: 2023  
Type: Journal [View Source]


7. Constitution & Decentralized Government System in France
Michele, Yohanes Balthasar Reny Wittermans Un
Focus Journal Law Review  vol: 3  issue: 2  year: 2023  
Type: Journal [View Source]