Analysis of The Application of Deradicalization And Constraints And Obstacles: A Case Study of Bandung Suicide Bombing

Edi Saputra Hasibuan(1email)

(1) Faculty of Law Bhayangkara University Jakarta Raya, Jakarta, Indonesia
email Corresponding Author


Introduction: The concept of deradicalization itself has been running for the first time since 2005 but there is no guide or patent concept for this program. The effect given through the deradicalization program must be recognized is not optimal, but this does not necessarily make deradicalization a failed innovation, keep in mind that the existence of the deradicalization program is an answer to the handling of terrorism that is considered hard and intimidative (hard approach), while the more subtle ways of dialogue and religious approach (soft approach) is considered also able to neutralize the values of terrorism in someone who is already radical.

Purposes of the Research:  The real purpose of de-radicalization in general is to prevent repeated terror incidents by former prisoners, because the National Police itself has the task of being able to detect and prevent acts of violence that insurgents.

Methods of the Research: The research method used is normative legal research with a statute legal approach and a conceptual approach

Results of the Research: The deradicalization Program is not a program that can be assessed directly as a failed program, deradicalization must be remembered as a reflection of the bad and hard handling (hard approach) so that the form of humanism and respect for human rights can actually be reflected by the existence of deradicalization, with the existence of deradicalization also illustrates that the perpetrators of terror or ex-prisoners have hope to return to normal life, also indicates that the government pays attention to those who commit this crime.


Deradicalization; Obstacles; Terror





How To Cite

APA: Hasibuan, E.S. (2023). Analysis of The Application of Deradicalization And Constraints And Obstacles: A Case Study of Bandung Suicide Bombing. SASI, 29(2), 277-285. DOI:
IEEE: E.S. Hasibuan, "Analysis of The Application of Deradicalization And Constraints And Obstacles: A Case Study of Bandung Suicide Bombing", SASI, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 277-285, Apr. 2023. Accessed on: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available DOI:
Harvard: Hasibuan, E.S., (2023). "Analysis of The Application of Deradicalization And Constraints And Obstacles: A Case Study of Bandung Suicide Bombing". SASI, Volume 29(2), pp. 277-285. [Online]. Available DOI: (Accessed on: 23 February 2025)
Chicago: Hasibuan, Edi Saputra. "Analysis of The Application of Deradicalization And Constraints And Obstacles: A Case Study of Bandung Suicide Bombing." SASI 29, no. 2 (April 19, 2023): 277-285. Accessed February 23, 2025. doi:10.47268/sasi.v29i2.1333
Vancouver: Hasibuan ES. Analysis of The Application of Deradicalization And Constraints And Obstacles: A Case Study of Bandung Suicide Bombing. SASI [Internet]. 2023 Apr 19 [cited 2025 Feb 23];29(2):277-285. Available from:
MLA 8th: Hasibuan, Edi Saputra. "Analysis of The Application of Deradicalization And Constraints And Obstacles: A Case Study of Bandung Suicide Bombing." SASI, vol. 29, no. 2, 19 Apr. 2023, pp. 277-285, doi:10.47268/sasi.v29i2.1333. Accessed 23 Feb. 2025.
		author = {Edi Hasibuan},
		title = {Analysis of The Application of Deradicalization And Constraints And Obstacles: A Case Study of Bandung Suicide Bombing},
		journal = {SASI},
		volume = {29},
		number = {2},
		year = {2023},
		keywords = {Deradicalization; Obstacles; Terror},
		abstract = {Introduction: The concept of deradicalization itself has been running for the first time since 2005 but there is no guide or patent concept for this program. The effect given through the deradicalization program must be recognized is not optimal, but this does not necessarily make deradicalization a failed innovation, keep in mind that the existence of the deradicalization program is an answer to the handling of terrorism that is considered hard and intimidative (hard approach), while the more subtle ways of dialogue and religious approach (soft approach) is considered also able to neutralize the values of terrorism in someone who is already radical.Purposes of the Research:  The real purpose of de-radicalization in general is to prevent repeated terror incidents by former prisoners, because the National Police itself has the task of being able to detect and prevent acts of violence that insurgents. Methods of the Research: The research method used is normative legal research with a statute legal approach and a conceptual approachResults of the Research: The deradicalization Program is not a program that can be assessed directly as a failed program, deradicalization must be remembered as a reflection of the bad and hard handling (hard approach) so that the form of humanism and respect for human rights can actually be reflected by the existence of deradicalization, with the existence of deradicalization also illustrates that the perpetrators of terror or ex-prisoners have hope to return to normal life, also indicates that the government pays attention to those who commit this crime.},
				issn = {2614-2961},		pages = {277--285}			doi = {10.47268/sasi.v29i2.1333},
				url = {}


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Copyright (c) 2023 Edi Saputra Hasibuan

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1. The repatriation of returning ISIS foreign terrorist fighters: Analysis of the factors influencing Indonesia’s refusal and its implications on counterterrorism efforts
Muhammad Anns, Muhamad Syauqillah
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik  vol: 36  issue: 4  first page: 475  year: 2023  
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