Peluang dan Tantangan Penerapan Prinsip Permanent Soverignity Over Natural Resources di Indonesia

Popi Tuhulele(1email)

(1) Program Doktor Ilmu Hukum Universitas Hasanuddin, Indonesia
email Corresponding Author


Principle of permanent sovereignty over natural resources (PSNR) in international law are regulated in UN General Assembly Resolution Number 1515 (XV) 15 December 1960, and Resolution Number 1803, 14 December 1962, which recognizes permanent sovereignty over natural resources. The fact is that Indonesia which is rich in natural resources is not fully sovereign of its natural resources. This is influenced by limited capital ownership and also limited human resources. Because permanent sovereignty over natural resources should be directly proportional to the welfare of the people of Indonesia. This paper uses normative research methods with a database in the form of library data, online surveys, and several related legal materials, then described descriptively, and interpreted comprehensively. In this context, the importance of management and management of natural resources by the state. Because it is closely related to the risks posed by the exploitation and exploration of natural resources on geological and political aspects. For this reason, it is very important for Indonesia to adopt principles in supporting the rule of law at regional, international and national levels and protect the sovereignty and interests of the country.


Sovereignty; Natural Resources





How To Cite

APA: Tuhulele, P. (2020). Peluang dan Tantangan Penerapan Prinsip Permanent Soverignity Over Natural Resources di Indonesia. SASI, 26(1), 89-98. DOI:
IEEE: P. Tuhulele, "Peluang dan Tantangan Penerapan Prinsip Permanent Soverignity Over Natural Resources di Indonesia", SASI, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 89-98, May. 2020. Accessed on: Feb. 24, 2025. [Online]. Available DOI:
Harvard: Tuhulele, P., (2020). "Peluang dan Tantangan Penerapan Prinsip Permanent Soverignity Over Natural Resources di Indonesia". SASI, Volume 26(1), pp. 89-98. [Online]. Available DOI: (Accessed on: 24 February 2025)
Chicago: Tuhulele, Popi. "Peluang dan Tantangan Penerapan Prinsip Permanent Soverignity Over Natural Resources di Indonesia." SASI 26, no. 1 (May 19, 2020): 89-98. Accessed February 24, 2025. doi:10.47268/sasi.v26i1.243
Vancouver: Tuhulele P. Peluang dan Tantangan Penerapan Prinsip Permanent Soverignity Over Natural Resources di Indonesia. SASI [Internet]. 2020 May 19 [cited 2025 Feb 24];26(1):89-98. Available from:
MLA 8th: Tuhulele, Popi. "Peluang dan Tantangan Penerapan Prinsip Permanent Soverignity Over Natural Resources di Indonesia." SASI, vol. 26, no. 1, 19 May. 2020, pp. 89-98, doi:10.47268/sasi.v26i1.243. Accessed 24 Feb. 2025.
		author = {Popi Tuhulele},
		title = {Peluang dan Tantangan Penerapan Prinsip Permanent Soverignity Over Natural Resources di Indonesia},
		journal = {SASI},
		volume = {26},
		number = {1},
		year = {2020},
		keywords = {Sovereignty; Natural Resources},
		abstract = {Principle of permanent sovereignty over natural resources (PSNR) in international law are regulated in UN General Assembly Resolution Number 1515 (XV) 15 December 1960, and Resolution Number 1803, 14 December 1962, which recognizes permanent sovereignty over natural resources. The fact is that Indonesia which is rich in natural resources is not fully sovereign of its natural resources. This is influenced by limited capital ownership and also limited human resources. Because permanent sovereignty over natural resources should be directly proportional to the welfare of the people of Indonesia. This paper uses normative research methods with a database in the form of library data, online surveys, and several related legal materials, then described descriptively, and interpreted comprehensively. In this context, the importance of management and management of natural resources by the state. Because it is closely related to the risks posed by the exploitation and exploration of natural resources on geological and political aspects. For this reason, it is very important for Indonesia to adopt principles in supporting the rule of law at regional, international and national levels and protect the sovereignty and interests of the country.},
				issn = {2614-2961},		pages = {89--98}			doi = {10.47268/sasi.v26i1.243},
				url = {}



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