Tramelling The Illegal Wildlife Trading: A Comparative Legislative Analysis of China and India

Sandeep Kumar Mohanty(1email), Soumya Prakash Patra(2)

(1) Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India
(2) Department of Commerce and Management, St. Xavier University, Kolkata, India
email Corresponding Author


Illegal wildlife trade is one of the major transnational crimes. Transnational Crime, by its very nature, is problematic as it surpasses national jurisdictions, as well as the parameters of information systems and law enforcement agencies. Illegal wildlife trade networks increasingly operate like global multinational businesses, connecting local markets to the global markets through complex and interlinked networks.Against this background, CITES was entered into, multinational environmental agreement to which 183 nations are parties to it and India, being a member of CITES, in compliance with the guidelines, has enacted an umbrella of 8 legislation for the protection of wildlife in India. But despite this austere legislation, India is progressively becoming a hub of illegal wildlife trade.The illegal laundering of wild-caught animals via legal pathways is subject to increased scrutiny. It appears that illegal wildlife traders are rampantly using other covert methods to smuggle these animals into the territories of target consumer countries, such as China. Once they enter into the jurisdiction of destination countries that permit legal trade in this species, it becomes arduous for the relevant enforcement agencies to distinguish between the wild-caught and captive-bred animals.The author undertakes to carry out a comparative analysis of the existing legislation of China concerning India to understand whether the legislation is robust enough for the protection of the wildlife and how the enforcement mechanism can be strengthened for the advancement of the endangered species.


Illegal Wildlife Trade; CITES; Transnational Crimes; Endangered Species





How To Cite

APA: Mohanty, S.K., & Patra, S.P. (2021). Tramelling The Illegal Wildlife Trading: A Comparative Legislative Analysis of China and India. SASI, 27(4), 549 - 560. DOI:
IEEE: S.K. Mohanty, and S.P. Patra, "Tramelling The Illegal Wildlife Trading: A Comparative Legislative Analysis of China and India", SASI, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 549 - 560, Dec. 2021. Accessed on: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available DOI:
Harvard: Mohanty, S.K., and Patra, S.P., (2021). "Tramelling The Illegal Wildlife Trading: A Comparative Legislative Analysis of China and India". SASI, Volume 27(4), pp. 549 - 560. [Online]. Available DOI: (Accessed on: 23 February 2025)
Chicago: Mohanty, Sandeep Kumar, and Soumya Prakash Patra. "Tramelling The Illegal Wildlife Trading: A Comparative Legislative Analysis of China and India." SASI 27, no. 4 (November 27, 2021): 549 - 560. Accessed February 23, 2025. doi:10.47268/sasi.v27i4.597
Vancouver: Mohanty SK, Patra SP. Tramelling The Illegal Wildlife Trading: A Comparative Legislative Analysis of China and India. SASI [Internet]. 2021 Dec 31 [cited 2025 Feb 23];27(4):549 - 560. Available from:
MLA 8th: Mohanty, Sandeep Kumar, and Soumya Prakash Patra. "Tramelling The Illegal Wildlife Trading: A Comparative Legislative Analysis of China and India." SASI, vol. 27, no. 4, 27 Nov. 2021, pp. 549 - 560, doi:10.47268/sasi.v27i4.597. Accessed 23 Feb. 2025.
		author = {Sandeep Mohanty and Soumya Patra},
		title = {Tramelling The Illegal Wildlife Trading: A Comparative Legislative Analysis of China and India},
		journal = {SASI},
		volume = {27},
		number = {4},
		year = {2021},
		keywords = {Illegal Wildlife Trade; CITES; Transnational Crimes; Endangered Species},
		abstract = {Illegal wildlife trade is one of the major transnational crimes. Transnational Crime, by its very nature, is problematic as it surpasses national jurisdictions, as well as the parameters of information systems and law enforcement agencies. Illegal wildlife trade networks increasingly operate like global multinational businesses, connecting local markets to the global markets through complex and interlinked networks.Against this background, CITES was entered into, multinational environmental agreement to which 183 nations are parties to it and India, being a member of CITES, in compliance with the guidelines, has enacted an umbrella of 8 legislation for the protection of wildlife in India. But despite this austere legislation, India is progressively becoming a hub of illegal wildlife trade.The illegal laundering of wild-caught animals via legal pathways is subject to increased scrutiny. It appears that illegal wildlife traders are rampantly using other covert methods to smuggle these animals into the territories of target consumer countries, such as China. Once they enter into the jurisdiction of destination countries that permit legal trade in this species, it becomes arduous for the relevant enforcement agencies to distinguish between the wild-caught and captive-bred animals.The author undertakes to carry out a comparative analysis of the existing legislation of China concerning India to understand whether the legislation is robust enough for the protection of the wildlife and how the enforcement mechanism can be strengthened for the advancement of the endangered species.},
				issn = {2614-2961},		pages = {549--560}			doi = {10.47268/sasi.v27i4.597},
				url = {}



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[6] Adopted at the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National People's Congress and promulgated by Order No. 9 of the President of the People's Republic of China on November 8, 1988, and effective as of March 1, 1989.

[7] Africa Wildlife Foundation. 2015 World Wildlife Day Highlights Severity of Wildlife Crime. See (Last visited on 20th February 2020).


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Copyright (c) 2021 Sandeep Kumar Mohanty, Soumya Prakash Patra

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.




1. A Chronicle of Indonesia’s Forest Management: A Long Step towards Environmental Sustainability and Community Welfare
Hunggul Yudono Setio Hadi Nugroho, Yonky Indrajaya, Satria Astana, Murniati, Sri Suharti, Tyas Mutiara Basuki, Tri Wira Yuwati, Pamungkas Buana Putra, Budi Hadi Narendra, Luthfy Abdulah, Titiek Setyawati, Subarudi, Haruni Krisnawati, Purwanto, M. Hadi Saputra, Yunita Lisnawati, Raden Garsetiasih, Reny Sawitri, Indra Ardie Surya Liannawatty Purnamawan Putri, Ogi Setiawan, Dona Octavia, Hesti Lestari Tata, Endang Savitri, Abdurachman, Acep Akbar, Achmad Rizal Hak Bisjoe, Adi Susilo, Aditya Hani, Agung Budi Supangat, Agung Wahyu Nugroho, Agus Kurniawan, Ahmad Junaedi, Andhika Silva Yunianto, Anita Rianti, Ardiyanto Wahyu Nugroho, Asep Sukmana, Bambang Tejo Premono, Bastoni, Bina Swasta Sitepu, Bondan Winarno, Catur Budi Wiati, Chairil Anwar Siregar, Darwo, Diah Auliyani, Diah Irawati Dwi Arini, Dian Pratiwi, Dila Swestiani, Donny Wicaksono, Dony Rachmanadi, Eko Pujiono, Endang Karlina, Enny Widyati, Etik Erna Wati Hadi, Firda Mafthukhakh Hilmya Nada, Fajri Ansari, Fatahul Azwar, Gerson Ndawa Njurumana, Hariany Siappa, Hendra Gunawan, Hengki Siahaan, Henti Hendalastuti Rachmat, Heru Dwi Riyanto, Hery Kurniawan, Ika Heriansyah, Irma Yeny, Julianus Kinho, Karmilasanti, Kayat, Luthfan Meilana Nugraha, Luthfi Hanindityasari, Mariana Takandjandji, Markus Kudeng Sallata, Mawazin, Merryana Kiding Allo, Mira Yulianti, Mohamad Siarudin, Muhamad Yusup Hidayat, Muhammad Abdul Qirom, Mukhlisi, Nardy Noerman Najib, Nida Humaida, Niken Sakuntaladewi, Nina Mindawati, Nining Wahyuningrum, Nunung Puji Nugroho, Nur Muhamad Heriyanto, Nuralamin, Nurhaedah Muin, Nurul Silva Lestari, Oki Hidayat, Parlin Hotmartua Putra Pasaribu, Pratiwi, Purwanto, Purwanto Budi Santosa, Rahardyan Nugroho Adi, Ramawati, Ratri Ma’rifatun Nisaa, Reni Setyo Wahyuningtyas, Resti Ura, Ridwan Fauzi, Rosita Dewi, Rozza Tri Kwatrina, Ryke Nandini, Said Fahmi, Sigit Andy Cahyono, Sri Lestari, Suhartono, Sulistya Ekawati, Susana Yuni Indriyanti, Tien Wahyuni, Titi Kalima, Tri Atmoko, Tri Rizkiana Yusnikusumah, Virni Budi Arifanti, Vivi Yuskianti, Vivin Silvaliandra Sihombing, Wahyu Catur Adinugroho, Wahyudi Isnan, Wanda Kuswanda, Wawan Halwany, Wieke Herningtyas, Wuri Handayani, Yayan Hadiyan, Yulizar Ihrami Rahmila
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