Due To The Legal Non-Compliance of State Administrative Officers With The Implementation of Forced Money (Dwangsom) In The Execution of State Administrative Decisions

Dezonda Rosiana Pattipawae(1email), Abdullah Abdullah(2), Hendrik Salmon(3), Natanel Lainsamputty(4)

(1) Faculty of Law University of Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Sharia in Law, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta, Indonesia
(3) Faculty of Law University of Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
(4) Faculty of Law University of Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
email Corresponding Author


Introduction: The non-compliance of the state administrative body or official with the TUN Court decision can be in the form of not revoking the disputed State Administrative decision, not revoking the TUN decision, not issuing a TUN decision, not complying with the obligation to pay compensation set by the court and not complying to rehabilitate the good name plaintiff.

Purposes of the Research: The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the payment of forced money and administrative sanctions against state administration officials who do not comply with the state administration's decisions and legal actions due to non-compliance of state administration officials to the application of forced money (dwangson) in the execution of state administration decisions.

Methods of the Research: The writing method used is sociological juridical research. The location of this research is the Ambon State Administrative Court, the Ambon City Government Legal Division, the Maluku Province Law and Human Rights Bureau and the Central Maluku District Government Law Department.

Results of the Research: The results of the study indicate that the disobedience of State Administrative Officials in implementing decisions that already have permanent legal force because there are no regulations and or legal provisions regarding forced payment of money to be implemented if the State Administrative Officials do not implement decisions that already have permanent legal force, and there is no special agency or executive body


Disobedience of State Administration Officers; Application of Forced Money; Execution of State Administration Decisions





How To Cite

APA: Pattipawae, D.R., Abdullah, A., Salmon, H., & Lainsamputty, N. (2022). Due To The Legal Non-Compliance of State Administrative Officers With The Implementation of Forced Money (Dwangsom) In The Execution of State Administrative Decisions. SASI, 28(2), 182-198. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47268/sasi.v28i2.730.
IEEE: D.R. Pattipawae, A. Abdullah, H. Salmon, and N. Lainsamputty, "Due To The Legal Non-Compliance of State Administrative Officers With The Implementation of Forced Money (Dwangsom) In The Execution of State Administrative Decisions", SASI, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 182-198, May. 2022. Accessed on: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available DOI: https://doi.org/10.47268/sasi.v28i2.730
Harvard: Pattipawae, D.R., Abdullah, A., Salmon, H., and Lainsamputty, N., (2022). "Due To The Legal Non-Compliance of State Administrative Officers With The Implementation of Forced Money (Dwangsom) In The Execution of State Administrative Decisions". SASI, Volume 28(2), pp. 182-198. [Online]. Available DOI: https://doi.org/10.47268/sasi.v28i2.730 (Accessed on: 23 February 2025)
Chicago: Pattipawae, Dezonda Rosiana, Abdullah Abdullah, Hendrik Salmon, and Natanel Lainsamputty. "Due To The Legal Non-Compliance of State Administrative Officers With The Implementation of Forced Money (Dwangsom) In The Execution of State Administrative Decisions." SASI 28, no. 2 (May 7, 2022): 182-198. Accessed February 23, 2025. doi:10.47268/sasi.v28i2.730
Vancouver: Pattipawae DR, Abdullah A, Salmon H, Lainsamputty N. Due To The Legal Non-Compliance of State Administrative Officers With The Implementation of Forced Money (Dwangsom) In The Execution of State Administrative Decisions. SASI [Internet]. 2022 May 7 [cited 2025 Feb 23];28(2):182-198. Available from: https://doi.org/10.47268/sasi.v28i2.730
MLA 8th: Pattipawae, Dezonda Rosiana, Abdullah Abdullah, Hendrik Salmon, and Natanel Lainsamputty. "Due To The Legal Non-Compliance of State Administrative Officers With The Implementation of Forced Money (Dwangsom) In The Execution of State Administrative Decisions." SASI, vol. 28, no. 2, 7 May. 2022, pp. 182-198, doi:10.47268/sasi.v28i2.730. Accessed 23 Feb. 2025.
		author = {Dezonda Pattipawae and Abdullah Abdullah and Hendrik Salmon and Natanel Lainsamputty},
		title = {Due To The Legal Non-Compliance of State Administrative Officers With The Implementation of Forced Money (Dwangsom) In The Execution of State Administrative Decisions},
		journal = {SASI},
		volume = {28},
		number = {2},
		year = {2022},
		keywords = {Disobedience of State Administration Officers; Application of Forced Money; Execution of State Administration Decisions},
		abstract = {Introduction: The non-compliance of the state administrative body or official with the TUN Court decision can be in the form of not revoking the disputed State Administrative decision, not revoking the TUN decision, not issuing a TUN decision, not complying with the obligation to pay compensation set by the court and not complying to rehabilitate the good name plaintiff.Purposes of the Research: The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the payment of forced money and administrative sanctions against state administration officials who do not comply with the state administration's decisions and legal actions due to non-compliance of state administration officials to the application of forced money (dwangson) in the execution of state administration decisions.Methods of the Research: The writing method used is sociological juridical research. The location of this research is the Ambon State Administrative Court, the Ambon City Government Legal Division, the Maluku Province Law and Human Rights Bureau and the Central Maluku District Government Law Department.Results of the Research: The results of the study indicate that the disobedience of State Administrative Officials in implementing decisions that already have permanent legal force because there are no regulations and or legal provisions regarding forced payment of money to be implemented if the State Administrative Officials do not implement decisions that already have permanent legal force, and there is no special agency or executive body},
				issn = {2614-2961},		pages = {182--198}			doi = {10.47268/sasi.v28i2.730},
				url = {https://fhukum.unpatti.ac.id/jurnal/sasi/article/view/730}


Journal Article

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Thesis, Web Page, and Others

Pattipawae, Dezonda Rosiana. “Kekuatan Eksekutorial Putusan Dalam Penerapan Eksekusi Uang Paksa (Dwangsom) Pada Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara Guna Mewujudkan Asas-Asas Umum Pemerintahan Yang Baik.” Universitas Borobudur, 2020.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Dezonda Rosiana Pattipawae, Abdullah Abdullah, Hendrik Salmon, Natanel Lainsamputty

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