SCOPUS Citation Analysis

Source SCOPUS (authorization required)

Last update March 22, 2023 7:00 PM GMT+9

SASI is cited by articles on SCOPUS database at least 39 times for 27 documents. 

Citation detail:

  • 2022 <10>
  • 2021 <12>
  • 2020 <6>
  • 2019 <4>
  • 2018 <4>
  • 2017 <3>

SASI name search variations:

  1. SASI <12 Documents>
  2. Jurnal Sasi <12 Documents>
  3. J Sasi <1 Document>
  4. Journal Sasi <2 Documents>

Matuankotta, J. K., Holle, E. S. (2022). State Recognition and Respect for the Rights of Customary Law Communities in the Maluku Islands Region in the Exploitation of Forest Resources. Sasi, 28(1), pp. 107

Jamin, M.Jaelani, A.K.Ly, D.Q.Gershaneck, K. (2022). Legal Protection of Indigenous Community in Protected Forest Areas Based Forest City. Bestuur10(2), pp. 198-212

Adam, S., Supusepa, R., Hattu, J., Taufik, I. (2021). Law Enforcement Against Violations of Public Health Protocols During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Ambon City. SASI27(2), pp. 230-246

Ilyas, A.Sampurno, S. (2022). Antinomy Settlement Of Legal Interest Between Autonomous Rights And Obligations Of Health Services: The Case Of Refusals Of COVID-19 Vaccine in Indonesia. International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, 17(1), pp. 73-82

Wattimena, J.A.Y., Matakena, M.A. (2021). Pre-Purchase Agreement on the COVID-19 Vaccine and Its Impact on the Right to Health. SASI27(4), pp. 414-422

Kirgizov-Barskii, A.V.Morozov, V.M. (2022). Vaccine Diplomacy and Vaccine Nationalism. Russia in Global Affairs, 20(3), pp. 162-181

Mery, L., Rahmah, A., Wulandari, A.S.R. (2021). Regulation of the provision of covid-19 vaccination in Indonesia as the implementation of state obligationsin line with the Indonesian constitution. SASI27(4), pp. 451

Anaf, A.Ibnu, F.Romdiati, H.Noveria, M. (2022). Indonesian Migrant Workers: The Migration Process and Vulnerability to COVID-19. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2022,2563684

Anwar, A., Waas, R.M. (2021). Hak Atas Informasi, Edukasi Dan Pelayanan Kesehatan Terhadap Masyarakat Adat Di Maluku Selama Pandemi Covid-19. Sasi27(2), pp. 149-159

Busni, D.Witro, D.Setiawan, I.Abdurrahman, N.H.Alghani, R. (2022). Implementation of the Hybrid Contract Concept in Multiservice Ijarah Financing as a Financing Alternative Health Service in the Covid-19 Pandemic. Juris: Jurnal Ilmiah Syariah21(1), pp. 11-26

Pesulima, T. L., Hetharie, Y. (2020). Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Keselamatan Kerja Bagi Tenaga Kesehatan Akibat Pandemi COVID-19. Sasi, 26(2), pp. 280-285

Firdaus, S.U. (2022). The urgency of legal protection for medical workers in combating COVID-19 in Indonesia. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare

Widjaja, G.Zahari, M.Hastuti, P.Nugraha, A.R.Kusumawaty, I. (2021). Understanding COVID-19 vaccination program among Indonesian public: A challenge and hope for government. International Journal of Health Sciences5(3), pp. 212-223

Nabila, F.I. (2020). Ombudsman Sebagai Lembaga Pengawas Pelayanan Publik Di Indonesia. Jurnal SASI26(2), pp. 176-187

Olenev, M. (2021). Structural analysis of the national ombudsman activities in ensuring environmental human rights. E3S Web of Conferences, 258,05023

Olenev, M. (2021). Environmental law and structural analysis of national ombudsman activities in ensuring rights in penitentiary sphere. E3S Web of Conferences. 244,12015

Mustamu, J. (2020). Pertanggungjawaban Hukum Pemerintah (Kajian Tentang Ruang Lingkup Dan Hubungan Dengan Diskresi). Jurnal SASI20(2), pp. 21-34

Sulistiyono, T.Herlambang, P.H.Chandra, S.D.Abdulaziz, M.F.Roki, N.A.I.B.M. (2022). Government accountability model for the protection of indonesian migrant workers in china. Lex Scientia Law Review, 6(1), pp. 93-120

Hanif, C.A.Amirulloh, M.Muchtar, H.N. (2021). Reliability and Security in the Implementation of Digital Health Service Application with the Application of "Reliability Certification or Electronic Certification" based on Indonesian Law. Padjadjaran Jurnal Ilmu Hukum8(3), pp. 417-438

Jenni Kristiana Matuankotta. (2018). Peran Aktif Masyarakat Hukum Adat Dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi. SASI, 24(2), 101–113

Ismi, H.Hasanah, U.Sukma, S. (2021). Management Fisheries Resources Based on Customary Law as an Effort to Maintain River Sustainability in Lubuk Siam Village, Kampar, Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science934(1),012045

Hamzah, Putra, M. H., & Zulkarnain. (2020). Customary law impact in the development of Indonesia’s criminal code. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(3), 233–236.

Labetubun, M.A.H., Akyuwen, R.J., Pariela, M.V.G. (2018). Sui generic protection of traditional knowledge to meet the asean economic community. SASI. 24(1), pp. 1-10.

Akyuwen, R.J., Labetubun, A.H., Pariela, V.G. (2021). CLAUSULA RESTRICTIONS IN TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PATENT LICENSE AGREEMENTS THAT IMPACT ON UNFAIR COMPETITION. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. 24(3), pp. 1-9.

Daties, Dyah R. A. (2017). Memahami Third World Approaches to International Law (TWAIL) [Understanding Third World Approaches to International Law]. Jurnal Sasi, 23(1)

Putri, Y.M.Putri, R.W.Tisnanta, H.S. (2022). COMMUNAL RIGHTS AS HEGEMONY IN THE THIRD WORLD REGIME: INDONESIAN PERSPECTIVE. Indonesian Journal of International Law, 19(2),6, pp. 289-315

Akyuwen, R.J. (2016). Criteria for state-owned enterprises granted monopoly rights in the perspective of business competition law. SASI. 22(2), pp. 30-42

Akyuwen, R.J., Labetubun, A.H., Pariela, V.G. (2021). CLAUSULA RESTRICTIONS IN TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PATENT LICENSE AGREEMENTS THAT IMPACT ON UNFAIR COMPETITION. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. 24(3), pp. 1-9

Bakarbessy, A.D. (2012). Otonomi daerah, Primordialisme dan Sumber Daya Manusia. Jurnal Sasi18(1)

Kholiq, A.Mutohar, A.Sumintono, B. (2022). The tribal education in Indonesia: Detribalization challenges of Samin tribe. Cogent Education, 9(1),2136861

Jenni Kristiana Matuankotta. (2012). Merger in law number 40 of 2007 concerning limited liability companies and activities prohibited according to law number 5 of 1999 concerning prohibition of monopolistic practices and unfair business competition. SASI18(1), pp. 49-55

Akyuwen, R.J.Labetubun, A.H.Pariela, V.G. (2021). CLAUSULA RESTRICTIONS IN TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PATENT LICENSE AGREEMENTS THAT IMPACT ON UNFAIR COMPETITION. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues. 24(3), pp. 1-9

Latupono, B. (2011). Perlindungan Hukum Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Terhadap Pekerja Kontrak (Outsourcing) Di Kota Ambon. Sasi17(3), pp. 59-69


Holle, E. S. (2011). Pelayanan publik melalui electronic government upaya meminimalisir praktek maladministrasi dalam meningkatan publik servis. Sasi, 17(3), 21–30.

Silvia, Suhardi, & Yustianto, P. (2017). Business process improvement of district government innovation service: Case study Cimahi Tengah District of Cimahi.

Holle, E. S. (2011). Pelayanan publik melalui electronic government; Upaya meminimalisir praktek maladministrasi dalam meningkatkan public service. J. Sasi, 17(3).

FebriansyahAntoni, D.Lestari, E. (2020). The role of blockchain technology in e-govemment capability: Literature review. 2020 5th International Conference on Informatics and Computing, ICIC 2020, 9288578.

Manggau, F. X., & Loppies, S. H. D. (2019). Inventory information system of pharmaceutical warehouse of health office of Merauke district. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(2), 18–26

Maulany, G. J., & Loppies, S. H. D. (2018). Public service information system for integrated police service centers in Merauke district. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(220–229), 220–229

Turnip, K., Lubis, A. H., Sutrisno, & Lubis, M. S. (2018). A review of ict in government bureaucracy: Psychological and technology skill perspectives. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 9(9), 1309–1319

Holle, E.S. (2011). Public Service Through Electronic Government: Efforts to Minimize Maladministration Practices in Improving Public Service. Jurnal SASI, 17(3), pp. 21-30

Prawati, L.D.Setyawan, M.H.Sari, A.L.Karina, M. (2022). Implementation of Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model for Evaluating the Use of E- Government SIDJP NINE in Indonesia. 2022 4th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System, ICORIS 2022

Mustamu, J. (2011). Diskresi dan tanggung jawab administrasi pemerintahan. Jurnal Sasi, 17(2).

Irianto, S. (2017). Model of partnership between Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and foreign-capital companies using the principle of fairness as an effort to increase theprosperity of SMEs. International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 15(24), 153–165.

Hanafi, I. H. (2011). Remote sensing activities through satellites in Indonesia and their arrangements in space law. Journal Sasi, 17(2), 72–96

Haryono, U. S., Akib, H., Rifdan, Sjarief, E., & Paraga, S. (2019). Decision stipulation on national air space zone of the republic of Indonesia. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 22(2)

Saragih, T. M. (2011). The concept of community participation in the formation of regional regulations, detailed spatial and regional plans. Jurnal Sasi, 17(3)11-20

Sintara, D.SuhaidiNasution, F.A. (2020). The urgency of community participation in the establishment of a local regulation. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 28, 87-101  

Anwar, A. (2010). Penerapan Bioteknologi Rekayasa Genetika DIbidang Medis Ditinjau Dari Perspektif Filsafat Pancasila, Ham Dan Hukum Kesehatan Di Indonesia. Journal Sasi, 17(4), 2

Fauziah, H. F. R. T. F., & Mukhlis, M. F. (2019). Embryonic stem cells in stroke treatment health laws and Shariah perspective. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 6(1), 362–376

Lewerissa, Y A. (2010). Praktek illegal fishing di perairan Maluku sebagai bentuk kejahatan ekonomi. Jurnal Sasi16 (3), pp. 61-68

Lewerissa, Y.A.Ashri, M.MuhadarAsis, A. (2021). Sasi laut as a non penal effort treatment of illegal fishing for sustainable utilization of fishery resources. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 800(1),012021

Adwani, A.Muazzin, M.Tinianus, E. (2020). The coordination between the investigators and the traditional marine leaders (Panglima laot) in the legal enforcement of fishery criminal offenses in the territorial waters of Aceh province. Journal of Maritime Research,17(1), pp. 30-38

Nendissa, R. H. (2010). The existence of traditional institutions in implementing the Law of the Sea Sasi in the central Moluccas. Jurnal Sasi, 16(4), 1–6.

Matitaputty, J.K. (2021). ORIENTATION OF SASI CULTURAL VALUES IN MALUKU. E3S Web of Conferences, 317,01027

Djunarsjah, E.Putra, A.P. (2021). Marine fisheries zoning based on adat sasi indigenous local wisdom: A technical overview. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 805(1),012012

Nanlohy, H., Talakua, W., Soukotta, L. M., & Talakua, E. G. (2019). Factors affecting Implementation of sasi in the management of mangrove ecosystem at Rutong and Leahari village, South Leitimur Sub-district, Ambon City, Indonesia. 339(1).

Mony, A., Satria, A., & Kinseng, R. A. (2017). Sasi laut in Maluku: Transformation and sustainability of traditional governance in the face of globalisation. In Governing the Coastal Commons: Communities, Resilience and Transformation (pp. 198–210).

Pasalbessy, J. D. (2010). The Impact of Violence against Women and Children and Their Solutions . Jurnal Sasi, 16(3).

Soenyono, & Basrowi. (2020). Form and trend of violence against women and the legal protection strategy. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(5), 3165–3174

Rahmi, A.Siregar, H. (2020). Community-Based Recovery For Sexual Violence Victims: The Case of Hapsari. Ahkam: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, 20(1), pp. 1-18

Tianotak, N. (2010). Perlindungan Hukum atas Hak Asasi masyarakat adat dalam pengelolaan sumber daya hutan di provinsi Maluku. Jurnal Sasi, 16(4).

Kalalo, J. J. J. (2018). Protection of indigenous legal community rights in the border area of the South Papua. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 9(212–219), 212–219.

Kainama, M. (2005). Revitalisasi Lembaga Kewang Dalam Rangka Penegakan Hukum Sasi di Maluku Tengah. Jurnal Sasi, 11, 186.

Suyadi, Satrioajie, W. N., Syahailatua, A., & Arifin, Z. (2018). Banda deep-sea research: History, mission and strategic plan. 184(1).