Fungsi Pengawasan Majelis Pengawas Daerah Terhadap Penegakan Kode Etik Notaris

Yared Hetharie(1email), Merry Tjoanda(2), Novyta Uktolseja(3)

(1) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
(2) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
(3) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pattimura, Ambon, Indonesia
email Corresponding Author


Introduction: Notaries have a very important role in Indonesia, to serve the community in terms of making an authentic deed as evidence or as a legal requirement for a certain legal action.

Purposes of the Research:  Review and analyze the supervision carried out by the Regional Supervisory Council on the Enforcement of the Notary Code of Ethics.

Methods of the Research: The research was conducted using a normative juridical method with a c statutory approach, conceptual approach and comparative approach a by specifically analyzing the performance of the institution and its authority in the implementation of law enforcement in the Maluku Sea based on the legislation which was then analyzed qualitatively.

Results of the Research: The MPD Supervision function has so far been carried out well but not yet optimal because there are still violations of the code of ethics by a notary. In carrying out the duties and functions as a notary, there are factors that affect the violation of the code of ethics by a notary, namely internal factors and external factors. The Regional Supervisory Council performs the function of supervising notaries by conducting regular inspections of the notary's monthly report, inspection of the notary's office and examination of alleged violations of the code of ethics committed by a notary.


Supervision Function; Regional Supervisory Council; Notary Code of Ethics





How To Cite

APA: Hetharie, Y., Tjoanda, M., & Uktolseja, N. (2022). Fungsi Pengawasan Majelis Pengawas Daerah Terhadap Penegakan Kode Etik Notaris. PAMALI: Pattimura Magister Law Review, 2(2), 161–171. DOI:
IEEE: Y. Hetharie, M. Tjoanda, and N. Uktolseja, "Fungsi Pengawasan Majelis Pengawas Daerah Terhadap Penegakan Kode Etik Notaris", Pamali Pattimura Magister Law Rev., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 161–171, Aug. 2022. Accessed on: Feb. 23, 2025. [Online]. Available DOI:
Harvard: Hetharie, Y., Tjoanda, M., and Uktolseja, N., (2022). "Fungsi Pengawasan Majelis Pengawas Daerah Terhadap Penegakan Kode Etik Notaris". PAMALI: Pattimura Magister Law Review, Volume 2(2), pp. 161–171. [Online]. Available DOI: (Accessed on: 23 February 2025)
Chicago: Hetharie, Yared, Merry Tjoanda, and Novyta Uktolseja. "Fungsi Pengawasan Majelis Pengawas Daerah Terhadap Penegakan Kode Etik Notaris." PAMALI: Pattimura Magister Law Review 2, no. 2 (August 31, 2022): 161–171. Accessed February 23, 2025. doi:10.47268/pamali.v2i2.849
Vancouver: Hetharie Y, Tjoanda M, Uktolseja N. Fungsi Pengawasan Majelis Pengawas Daerah Terhadap Penegakan Kode Etik Notaris. Pamali Pattimura Magister Law Rev. [Internet]. 2022 Aug 31 [cited 2025 Feb 23];2(2):161–171. Available from:
MLA 8th: Hetharie, Yared, Merry Tjoanda, and Novyta Uktolseja. "Fungsi Pengawasan Majelis Pengawas Daerah Terhadap Penegakan Kode Etik Notaris." PAMALI: Pattimura Magister Law Review, vol. 2, no. 2, 31 Aug. 2022, pp. 161–171, doi:10.47268/pamali.v2i2.849. Accessed 23 Feb. 2025.
		author = {Yared Hetharie and Merry Tjoanda and Novyta Uktolseja},
		title = {Fungsi Pengawasan Majelis Pengawas Daerah Terhadap Penegakan Kode Etik Notaris},
		journal = {PAMALI: Pattimura Magister Law Review},
		volume = {2},
		number = {2},
		year = {2022},
		keywords = {Supervision Function; Regional Supervisory Council; Notary Code of Ethics},
		abstract = {Introduction: Notaries have a very important role in Indonesia, to serve the community in terms of making an authentic deed as evidence or as a legal requirement for a certain legal action.Purposes of the Research:  Review and analyze the supervision carried out by the Regional Supervisory Council on the Enforcement of the Notary Code of Ethics.Methods of the Research: The research was conducted using a normative juridical method with a c statutory approach, conceptual approach and comparative approach a by specifically analyzing the performance of the institution and its authority in the implementation of law enforcement in the Maluku Sea based on the legislation which was then analyzed qualitatively.Results of the Research: The MPD Supervision function has so far been carried out well but not yet optimal because there are still violations of the code of ethics by a notary. In carrying out the duties and functions as a notary, there are factors that affect the violation of the code of ethics by a notary, namely internal factors and external factors. The Regional Supervisory Council performs the function of supervising notaries by conducting regular inspections of the notary's monthly report, inspection of the notary's office and examination of alleged violations of the code of ethics committed by a notary.},
				issn = {2775-5649},		pages = {161--171}			doi = {10.47268/pamali.v2i2.849},
				url = {}


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