Vol 25, No 2 (2019)

Volume 25 Nomor 2, Juli - Desember 2019

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47268/sasi.v25i2

Published: 2019-12-27

IntroductionLegal Issues is an analysis of a case where there is a legal vacuum, namely the existence of community legal needs that have not or are not accommodated in statutory regulations or laws, both written and unwritten.In this edition of Volume 25 Number 2, July - December 2019, some of the legal issues that are in the spotlight are the Cancellation of Regional Regulations and their legal consequences according to Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, Execution of Debtor Assets Abroad in Bankruptcy Dispute Resolution, Legal Accountability of Personnel Development Officers and Authorized Officials for Errors in Imposing Civil Servant Discipline, Transplantation of Bodies as a Substitute for Qhisas Punishment in Islamic Law (Study of Eye Injury Offenses), Legal Status of Aircraft Collateral in the Development of Collateral Objects in Indonesia, Strength of Decision Consumer Dispute Resolution Bodies Regarding Objections and Cancellation of Arbitration Decisions as Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Dispute Resolution, Legality of Peremponang or Muhabet as Community Organizations, Implementation of the State Government on Ambon Island, Central Maluku Regency Post-Effective Law No. 6/2014 on Villages, Social Security for Workers for Professional Apprentice Students in Higher Education Implementation of the Manpower Act, Legal Protection for Minority Shareholders of Limited Liability Companies and Justice based on Pancasila.The scientific thoughts studied above are an effort to develop and renew legal science in the future, I hope these papers are useful.
