Vol 24, No 1 (2018)

Volume 24 Nomor 1, Januari - Juni 2018

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47268/sasi.v24i1

Published: 2018-07-08

IntroductionThe government, in carrying out its duties, is often faced with changes that occur in society. The dynamics and demands of society which are so rapidly changing have actually caused various legal problems, including the problem of the government's responsibility in providing protection in accordance with its duties and responsibilities as well as its authority.In Volume 24 Number 1, January - June 2018, there are several legal issues that are in the spotlight, namely the Protection of Traditional Knowledge by Sui Generis for Welcoming the Asean Economic Community, Abuse of Conditions in the Procedure for Bankruptcy Requests at the Commercial Court, Legal Implications Related to the Implementation of Article 24 of the Law Law Number 41 Year 2004 Concerning Waqf, Legal Protection for Refugees Across State Borders in Indonesia, Legal Protection for Child Labor, Study of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention On The Right of The Child, Purifying the Constitutional Court, Interaction between State and Traditional Villages in the Construction of the Unitary State The Republic of Indonesia, Construction of Representative Institutions in the Implementation of the Principle of People's Sovereignty, Review of the Execution of Intermediate Decisions in the Form of Schorsing at the State Administrative Court.The thoughts developed above are actually based on studies related to the development and development of legal science in the future, I hope these writings are useful.
