Vol 25, No 1 (2019)

Volume 25 Nomor 1, Januari - Juni 2019

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47268/sasi.v25i1

Published: 2019-08-24

IntroductionLaws are regulations that become provisions in social life that are, compel, bind, prevent and control. As a binder of members of society as a whole which aims to carry out the will of the ruler. Law as a rule in which there are orders and prohibitions which are forcing to achieve a life of peace, peace, order and security, as well as sanctions for violators.In Volume 25 Number 1, January - June 2019, several legal issues that are in the spotlight are the implementation of the Notary's Obligation to Attach Fingerprints of Parties to the Minutes of Deed, Juridical Review of the Development of Customary Lands (Past, Present and Future), Nominee Agreements as Means of Ownership of Land by Foreign Citizens (FOREIGNERS) According to the Civil Code, Donors of Breast Milk (ASI) and their Legal Problems and Efforts to Prevent the Occurrence of Relationships, Upholding and Legal Protection of Couscous Animals (Phalanger SPP) which Protected in Ambon City, Mutual Legal Assistance in Combating Cross-Jurisdictional Cyber Crime in Indonesia, Guarantee Protection of Voting Rights and State Obligations to Protect Citizens' Voting Rights in the Constitution (Critical Review of the 2019 Concurrent Elections), Outsourcing Violations which can be categorized as a Crime of Trafficking in Persons, Execution of the Decision of the State Administrative Court at Autonomy Era.The thoughts developed above are actually based on studies related to the development and development of legal science in the future, I hope these writings are useful.
