Penerapan Hukum dalam Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja dan Kebijakan Bank Terhadap Debitur yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19

Taun Taun(1email), Ananda Nugraha(2)

(1) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Karawang, Indonesia
(2) Fakultas Hukum Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Karawang, Indonesia
email Corresponding Author


Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) in Indonesia has a bad impact on the country's economy, banking, even the survival of the Community / Worker. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the legal consequences of employers who terminate the employment of PKWT workers who are affected by COVID-19 and the Bank's policy to set aside credit agreements for debtors affected by the termination of employment. This study uses a normative juridical research method with a statute approach and a case approach. The results show that the government's efforts to maintain public safety and maintain economic stability, in the spread of COVID-19, can affect the performance and capacity of micro, small and medium business debtors, thus potentially disrupting banking performance and financial system stability which can affect economic growth. Therefore, to encourage optimization of the banking intermediation function, maintain financial system stability, and support economic growth, an economic stimulus policy is needed as a counter cylical effect of the spread of COVID-19.


Fixed Term Work Agreement; Termination of Employment; Indonesian Banking; Corona Virus Disease-19





How To Cite

APA: Taun, T., & Nugraha, A. (2020). Penerapan Hukum dalam Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja dan Kebijakan Bank Terhadap Debitur yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19. Batulis Civil Law Review, 1(1), 24-32. DOI:
IEEE: T. Taun, and A. Nugraha, "Penerapan Hukum dalam Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja dan Kebijakan Bank Terhadap Debitur yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19", Batulis Civ. Law Rev., vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 24-32, Oct. 2020. Accessed on: Feb. 24, 2025. [Online]. Available DOI:
Harvard: Taun, T., and Nugraha, A., (2020). "Penerapan Hukum dalam Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja dan Kebijakan Bank Terhadap Debitur yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19". Batulis Civil Law Review, Volume 1(1), pp. 24-32. [Online]. Available DOI: (Accessed on: 24 February 2025)
Chicago: Taun, Taun, and Ananda Nugraha. "Penerapan Hukum dalam Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja dan Kebijakan Bank Terhadap Debitur yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19." Batulis Civil Law Review 1, no. 1 (October 30, 2020): 24-32. Accessed February 24, 2025. doi:10.47268/ballrev.v1i1.422
Vancouver: Taun T, Nugraha A. Penerapan Hukum dalam Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja dan Kebijakan Bank Terhadap Debitur yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19. Batulis Civ. Law Rev. [Internet]. 2020 Oct 30 [cited 2025 Feb 24];1(1):24-32. Available from:
MLA 8th: Taun, Taun, and Ananda Nugraha. "Penerapan Hukum dalam Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja dan Kebijakan Bank Terhadap Debitur yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19." Batulis Civil Law Review, vol. 1, no. 1, 30 Oct. 2020, pp. 24-32, doi:10.47268/ballrev.v1i1.422. Accessed 24 Feb. 2025.
		author = {Taun Taun and Ananda Nugraha},
		title = {Penerapan Hukum dalam Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja dan Kebijakan Bank Terhadap Debitur yang Terdampak Pandemi Covid-19},
		journal = {Batulis Civil Law Review},
		volume = {1},
		number = {1},
		year = {2020},
		keywords = {Fixed Term Work Agreement; Termination of Employment; Indonesian Banking; Corona Virus Disease-19},
		abstract = {Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) in Indonesia has a bad impact on the country's economy, banking, even the survival of the Community / Worker. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the legal consequences of employers who terminate the employment of PKWT workers who are affected by COVID-19 and the Bank's policy to set aside credit agreements for debtors affected by the termination of employment. This study uses a normative juridical research method with a statute approach and a case approach. The results show that the government's efforts to maintain public safety and maintain economic stability, in the spread of COVID-19, can affect the performance and capacity of micro, small and medium business debtors, thus potentially disrupting banking performance and financial system stability which can affect economic growth. Therefore, to encourage optimization of the banking intermediation function, maintain financial system stability, and support economic growth, an economic stimulus policy is needed as a counter cylical effect of the spread of COVID-19.},
				issn = {2746-8151},		pages = {24--32}			doi = {10.47268/ballrev.v1i1.422},
				url = {}



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Copyright (c) 2020 Taun Taun, Ananda Nugraha

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.




1. Covid-19 Vaccination as Part of The Basic Right to Health, Should it be Mandatory During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Lefri Mikhael
SASI  vol: 27  issue: 4  first page: 423  year: 2021  
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