Vol 26, No 3 (2020)
Volume 26 Nomor 3, Juli - September 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47268/sasi.v26i3Published: 2020-09-09
IntroductionThe Covid-19 pandemic for people who work in the business world, leaves a legal problem, one of which is whether the Covid-19 pandemic has an impact on contract implications in the procurement of goods and services, if this situation can be categorized as force majeure. The term force majeure is not defined in the Civil Code (KUHPerdata) and several regulations in Indonesia. However, according to the world trade organization, namely the International Chamber of Commerce, force majeure is an event or situation that prevents or prevents a party from performing one or more of its contractual obligations based on an agreed contract. A situation can be said to be force majeure if it can be proven that the obstacle is beyond its control; the circumstances cannot reasonably be predicted at the completion of the contract; and the consequences of the obstruction cannot reasonably be avoided or overcome by the affected party. From this explanation, the Covid-19 pandemic is a force majeure, because the pandemic is beyond the control of the parties, cannot be predicted in advance, and results in the blocking of the parties from carrying out their contractual obligations.In this edition of volume 26 Number 3 July - September 2020, several legal issues that are in the spotlight are: Legal Implications for the Contract which Contains the Clause on Sharia Banking Dispute Resolution Through the District Court after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 93/PU-X/2012; Reconstruction of Pancasila Values in Law; Legal Aspects of the Principles of Good Corporate Governance and Their Application to Village-Owned Enterprises; Legal Politics of Dismissal (impeachment) of the President and/or Vice President in Indonesia in the perspective of a rule of law and democracy; Real Execution Practices of Land Belonging to the Sunda Wiwitan Indigenous Peoples; Position and Implementation of the Legatory Function of the Regional Representative Council after the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 79/PUU-XII/2014; Criminal Jurisdiction Against Black Flight in Indonesian Territory Airspace; Principles of Infrastructure Development Based on Human Rights on the Existence of Customary Law Communities in Indonesia; The People's Republic of China Claims on Indonesia's Exclusive Economic Zone; Strength Binding Letter of Appointment of Government Goods and Services Providers in Government Goods/Services Procurement Contracts during the Covid-19 Pandemic; Dispute Resolution in Land Acquisition for Road Development for Public Interest.The scientific thoughts studied above are an effort to develop and renew legal science in the future, I hope these papers are useful.