Vol 26, No 2 (2020)

Volume 26 Nomor 2, April - Juni 2020

DOI: https://doi.org/10.47268/sasi.v26i2

Published: 2020-06-04

IntroductionIn Indonesia, the world is even "attacked" by the Corona Virus (Covid-19) pandemic outbreak which has an impact on law enforcement in the spread of Covid-19, this has caused all community activities to be restricted after the issuance of Government Regulation Number 21 of 2020 concerning Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in the framework of the Accelerated Handling of Covid-19, which is applied to areas with red zones (affected by the spread of Covid-19). The 1945 Constitution in the fourth paragraph states that: "Then rather than that, to form an Indonesian state government that protects the entire Indonesian nation and all the blood of Indonesia ... then the Indonesian national independence is compiled in a constitution of the Indonesian state, which formed in a state structure of the Republic of Indonesia which is sovereignty of the people based on ... ", this paragraph is also called the powerful paragraph because it is the paragraph which is the purpose of the formation of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, the protection of the entire nation and all of Indonesia's blood is contained in the Preamble to the Indonesian Constitution as the highest law, so that law enforcement in the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic is the safety of the people is the highest law (Salus populi suprema lex esto).In this edition of Volume 26 Number 2, April - June 2020, several legal issues that are in the spotlight are Law and Violence in Schools: Optimizing the Role of School Counselors, Gender Equality from a Normative and Sociological Point of View, Post-5 Year Pension System Reform 2014 Concerning State Civil Servants to Achieve Welfare for Civil Servants, Ombudsman as Public Service Supervisory Institution in Indonesia, Legal Recognition and Protection of the Existence of Customary Government, Settlement of Cases of Children as Actors and Victims Judging from the Principle of Best Interest for Children, Enforcement of Law Pilkada in the Context of Preventing and Overcoming Money Politics Related to the Concurrent Pilkades 2019, Optimizing Criminal Law Enforcement Against Fisheries (Comparative Study of Criminal Law in the Fishery Sector), Father's Legal Accountability to Children After Divorce, Role of Perserik Atan Nations in Relation to Law Enforcement by the International Criminal Court (Prospects and Challenges), Controversy over the Constitutional Court Decision Cancels the Authority of the Judicial Commission to Recruit Judges, Legal Protection of Work Safety for Health Workers Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.The scientific thoughts studied above are an effort to develop and renew legal science in the future, I hope these papers are useful.


Kesetaraan Gender Ditinjau dari Sudut Pandang Normatif dan Sosiologis
icon author Zulkifli Ismail (Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jakarta, Indonesia)
icon author Melanie Pita Lestari (Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jakarta, Indonesia)
icon author Panti Rahayu (Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jakarta, Indonesia)
icon author Fransiska Novita Eleanora (Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jakarta, Indonesia)
PDF | : 15312 | : 52454  |  Pages 154-161